Marketing Communications Strategist
Social Media Engagement
I have led the MSU Billings Alumni Association, EBMS, and YBGR in strategically planning posts on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to enhance brand awareness.

I posted this in conjunction with our license plate marketing campaign.

Personal stories usually get a great response on the MSUB Alumni Association Facebook page!

I feature highlights of EBMS culture weekly, including after-hours activities made possible through the organization.

I produced a series of feature photos with captions to highlight Shape Up Montana teams at EBMS.

I post weekly job announcements, which highlight perks of working at EBMS.

I partnered with Billings Works to feature a YBGR employee in the "My Dream Career is Here" social media campaign.

I promoted a news story about mental health awareness on Facebook.

Our team tied a timely day into an important program within our organization.

I used social media to promote stories on YBGR's website.